5 Benefit of Drinking Lemon Water

We hear about new fad diets or health trends everyday and honestly, it can get confusing and a tad frustrating! Over the years I have experimented with and adopted a number of them, some worked, some didn’t. One that did was lemon with warm water.

Everyday, upon waking, I drink half a litre of water to hydrate my mind and body, followed by a glass of lukewarm water with juice of half a lemon. After only a few weeks I experienced the following benefits:

1. Better digestion- I no longer had a problem with unsightly bloat in fitted tops and dresses. My stomach bloat had pretty much dissappeared.

2. Clearer and glowing skin- This was most evident as I received many compliments for my glowing skin. Lemon releases toxins from your body which increases that glow.

3. Less allergies/colds- Lemon has a good shot of Vitamin C and having it everyday really spikes immunity and inturn reduces diseases and allergies.

4. Reduced appetite- For me, having lemon water really helped me with eating a healthy eating choices as you don't want to ruin a healthy start to the day.

5. Extra energy- This may be psychological but I feel pumped for a workout after I have this concoction. This may be due to the antioxidant effect.

I honestly believe that beauty is 10% genetics, 30% grooming and 60% nutrition & exercise; the genes you inherit are not in your control but the rest is. So make sure you are aware of what you are putting in your body. Clear eyes, glowing skin, luscious hair and a cheerful personality is a result of factors in your control! I'll be doing a lot more posts to help you control that 90% so do comment below for anything you want covered in particular.

Do Not Struggle With Diets, Just Put This Into Water And Drink It Every Day! Your Body

The hydration of the body is one of the most important aspects of maintaining good health and therefore this fruit water will simply do, that what your body needs, and will keep you hydrated throughout the day.
The benefits of consuming fruits water:
It helps your body to release fat cells
Supports healthy bodies while sweating
Reduces muscle fatigue at work
Helps you recover faster after training
Improves your mood
Keep you hydrated
Increases your metabolism
It helps you maintain a healthy weight
It gives the body more energy
Helps with stomach problems
Removes toxins from your system
It is very easy and quick to make this drink. All you need to do is to squeeze the juice from any fruit in a glass of water in the morning and that’s it.

Eat to lose weight

Good news for all those trying to lose those extra kilos: You needn’t starve to get thin. For what its worth, those extra inches around your belly may not always be fat. Forget crash/fad diets, read on to know how you can beat the bulge by eating (right).


The first step to weight loss is to figure out the reason for it. Most of the people he consults suffer from gastric problems like constipation and indigestion and many a time bloating is a result of that. One of the most common reasons for bloating is eating breakfast and dinner as main meals but staying pretty much hungry or eating a small fried snack in the evening.


Bloating also occurs due to vitamin D deficiency or hypothyroidism. Get it checked before you decide on a diet. Weight gain could also be due to lack of fibre in your diet, excess of grains (chapattis and bread) in your diet or just eating more starchy foods. “Sometimes it’s actually important to add useful fats like ghee in your diet as you don’t want to deprive your body of any important nutrient,”.

Nutrition experts advice following the six-meal rule for beating bloat. To follow it, eat at an interval of every two hours. Start with breakfast, follow it with snacks and eat a proper lunch followed by snacks again. End your day with dinner – preferably three hours before going to bed. Drinking green tea after every main meal is a good idea, as it boosts metabolism and aids digestion.

Eat this and lose FAT

Gobhi Cauliflower

This common winter veggie gets a bad rap for being an acidity- inducing food. But if your gut can handle it, a cup of cauliflower has 2 gm of fiber for 27 calories, plus it has vitamin C that is known to rev up metabolism.

Green Peas
Full of dietary fibre, vitamins and proteins that propel weight loss, peas contain about 67 calories per cooked cup. Have it as a stand-alone snack or mix it with high-calorie foods or carb-rich meals to bring down the total calorie content.

Red Pepper
"Red peppers contain a molecule called capsaicin that boosts fat-burning rate and promotes weight loss to an extent," says Singh. Capsaicin boosts metabolism through thermogenesis, or production of heat. In fact, a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that eating 6 mg of capsaicin per day improved abdominal fat loss rate in both men and women.

At 112 calories per cup, guava is a satiating snack. One cup of guava meets more than 20 per cent of your daily fibre needs. "Besides being rich in fibre, guavas are high in water content that keeps you full and also gives a natural sugar rush," . Add to it the vitamin C bonus.

Spice Cinnamon
This spice is rich in polyphenols that keeps blood sugar levels on the right track. A Swedish study found that including cinnamon in your meals increases satiety. "Spices, in the right quantity, help in 'appetite management' which is essential for weight management. But you can't have cinnamon-laced tea                                              with oil-laden pakoras,".

Why Having is Important Fun with Family ???

Why Having Fun with Family is Important

There are two kinds of mothers in this world: cleanies and messies. Your ability to have fun is going to be directly related to which category you fall in. Many times “fun” means “mess”. This is the first reality we have to come to grips with if we are going to have fun. When my friend Cathy splashes in the puddles with the kids, there is certainly going to be a mess. Wet, and maybe even muddy, clothes will have to be attended to. Showers or baths may be in order. If we don’t have the right perspective, this will feel like an interruption to our day. The right perspective, though, is that it is an essential part of our day. Having fun with our children is part of being a mom. And dealing with messes is sometimes a part of having fun.
I fall into the “cleanie” category. The prospect of messes far too often keeps me from having fun with my children. I have come a long way over the years, but I still have more to grow in this area. I’m way too practical at times when I need to be spontaneous. God has been working with me on this one – a project I know my kids are glad he is doing. I certainly don’t want to look back, after my children are gone, and say, “I wish I had loosened up. I wish I’d had more fun.” I want to do that now, while I can make the change and make a difference in my kids’ lives.

Spontaneous Fun

Sometimes spontaneous fun happens when we maximize the moments. Cathy called the other day and invited our ten-year-old daughter to her home. Her eight-year-old daughter was having a private garage sale just for a few friends. She had cleaned out her room, priced her items, and was ready to host this special event. Cathy was surprised at her daughter’s business enterprise, but decided to make the most of the occasion. She helped Rein set up the sale on their Ping-Pong table in the basement and ordered pizza for the girls who were attending this private sale. Opportunities for fun happen on a regular basis – as mothers, we choose to either maximize the moments or minimize the fun.

Family Fun

Family fun is an important part of building a strong family identity. When families have fun together, it builds a bond that can last a lifetime. Traditions are often developed in times of fun. Those traditions help define and individualize each family.
At the Savage household, we have a tradition of fun called “surprise rides”. This started when the older children were small, and we wanted to surprise them with a spontaneous activity. It might be ice cream at our favorite ice cream parlor, a spontaneous trip to the park, or a matinee showing of a new family movie. Whatever it is, thought, the anticipation is the best part of the fun. From the time Mark and I yell, “Surprise ride,” and everyone rushes to get in the car, until the time that we arrive at our surprise destination, the excitement increases. As the kids have gotten older, they have often suggested surprise rides. Of course they’re not really a surprise that way (unless your teenager is driving you somewhere!), but the suggestion alone says, “Let’s have some fun together as a family.” It has given us common ground and shared vocabulary that lends to family fun.
Holidays also provide opportunities for fun that may develop into special traditions. Several years ago I served dinner backwards on April Fools’ Day (dessert first!). It was a fun evening that started a new tradition. Each April 1 has been dubbed “Backwards Day” ever since.
Families need to recreate together. We need to have unstructured times of togetherness. I’m not talking about watching TV together – I’m talking about a pick-up game of basketball, playing cards, or just sitting out on the porch talking and laughing together. Camping, fishing, biking, and hiking are great times of family recreation. As moms, we must take the initiative and make these things happen. We have to be available, and we have to value having fun together. As we spend time together in both spontaneous and planned activities, we will find our family relationships growing stronger.

Birthday Fun

The night before a birthday is spent preparing for a special breakfast. After the birthday person goes to bed, the table is set with birthday plates, cups, and napkins. The family presents are placed in the center of the table. Later, we quietly slip into their room and hang balloons and streamers. When the birthday girl or boy awakes in the morning, the room reflects his or her special day. As we move downstairs to the breakfast table, the best part of the celebration takes place: cake and ice cream for breakfast! Yes, I know it flunks all the tests for a healthy breakfast, but it stands the test of time for building family fun. It is certainly a favorite activity of our family, and with six people in our family it means six times a year we eat cake and ice cream for breakfast!
Our birthday celebrations have become treasured traditions for our family, special memories that Mark and I realize can only be enjoyed when the children are home. We only have a short season to fully enjoy these traditions and times of fun, for far too soon our children will be grown and creating traditions of their own.

The Five Pillars Of Health And Fitness

Pillar One: Exercise Regularly

As most people will tell you, it’s easy to get started with an exercise routine but it’s a lot harder to keep it up. If you struggle to stay with exercise, it’s probably because you’ve started doing too much too fast. Instead, you should start off small and build up to the bigger challenges. I recommend you begin by doing a few exercises in the morning after you wake up. A good beginners exercise is the sit up. Once you feel comfortable completing ten each morning, push it up to fifteen. Then start increasing the number of sets you are doing. After that add an exercise and keep going until you start to feel like it is getting easier. That way your routine will never feel overwhelming because you will be building it up slowly.
You might also want to consider heading off to the gym. But, I do realise that many people do not feel comfortable exercising in the gym if they are not in good shape. That said, there are positives to gym exercise. You will be joining a community who will encourage you to keep pushing towards your ultimate goal. You’ll also have access to some of the best equipment so that you can complete whatever exercise you want.  I suggest you do find a fitness exercise that you love as this will make it easier to stick with it.
It’s easier to get children more active. If you’re looking to improve your kids fitness, you just need to start encouraging them to play more sports. It’s a good idea to set a maximum TV and game time before they have to go play outside. Kids bodies are naturally different from adults. They will find it easier to lose weight and get in shape.

Pillar Two: Healthy Eating
The second pillar should never be seen as exclusive. In fact, you can see this one as holding up the other. Many people believe that if you exercise regularly you will not need to reduce the amount you are eating to lose weight. This is not true. The easiest and fastest way to reduce your weight is to limit what you are eating. However, I must stress that you should not limit the amount by too much.
I know that many people like to diet by replacing food with vitamin supplements. This is fine and a perfectly acceptable way to lose weight. However, you must make sure that you are getting all the vitamins and minerals you need to keep your body healthy. There are a lot of daily vitamins that your body needs to make sure you are getting them all, even if you aren’t eating a lot.
Aside from that it’s important that both you and your family are eating a balanced diet. What does this mean? Essentially it just means that you are getting fruit, vegetables and the protein that your body needs. Again, a lot of people misunderstand a balanced diet but the key is in the name. You don’t have to cut out all the sugars, fats and salt. You just need to make sure that you are getting a small amount of each. It has been known that stores have been taking salt out of sold goods. But the body actually needs small amounts of salt to stay healthy. It keeps your bones working properly.

Pillar 3: Use The Technology
When I was trying to lose weight, I found the available tech very helpful. I added a few new apps to my phone. I’m happy to say that they allowed me to reach my goal. By being able to watch my weight and my calorie intake I was able to reach my goal a lot faster. One piece of advice I would offer is not to check your weight too regularly. Some people’s metabolism is lower than others. If your metabolism is low, you will have trouble losing weight. Seeing that you have not lost as much weight as you had hoped can be rather disheartening.

Pillar 4: Bad Habits Must Die
I know a lot of people believe that they can lose weight while keeping up some bad habits. For instance, some smokers think that smoking actually helps them stay thin. It may help them stay thin, but it certainly isn’t helping them stay healthy. Quite the opposite in fact. That’s why if you do have any bad habits and you want to get healthy you need to start trying to give them up. Don’t quit them straight away as this usually just makes the problem worse. Ease yourself off them until they no longer have a hold on you. Once you do this, you will find that staying healthy is a lot easier.

Pillar 5: Peace And Serenity
Finally, you might be wondering what the biggest cause of being unhealthy is. Well, I can tell you without a doubt that it is stress. If you are stressed, it can affect your weight, blood pressure and heart beat. It can have lasting effects on your mind and your body. That’s why it’s a good idea to start reducing the level of stress in your life. You can try some breathing exercises and if that doesn’t work yoga is an excellent form of exercise that also reduces stress. Goodluck.



HEALTH AND FITNESS: Healthy family resolutions

By this time, you are probably well into your New Year’s resolutions. Hopefully, you are still on track to meet your goals. Whether they are health-related or not, it is likely that your goals focus on you. But what about the rest of your family?
Fortunately, there are a few resolutions that your whole family can make that will help you all move, eat and sleep better. Here are a few ways your family can make 2017 a happy and healthy year.
• Make sure everyone in the family is active every day. Physical activity is critical for good health for everyone. Beyond that, being active can help you perform better at work and school and make it easier to do things you enjoy in your leisure time.
Adults should be active for a minimum of 30 minutes per day. Everything from taking the dog for a walk to a fitness class at the gym counts.
For children, the goal is 60 minutes per day through PE class, sports and play. As a bonus, you can do at least some of the activity together to make activity a family event!
• Make healthy eating a family project. There is a lot of confusion about what makes a healthy diet, but there are a few guidelines almost everyone agrees on. First, eat more fruits and vegetables. At a minimum, eat at least 5 servings each day but try for twice that.
Second, limit added sugars and salt. This is tricky since salt, sugar and other sweeteners are added to most processed foods.
Eating too much sugar is known to contribute to obesity, heart disease and some cancers, so this is among the smartest nutrition moves you can make.
Salt, by itself, isn’t necessarily harmful, but less salt almost always means less processed food and more “real” food. Finally, be mindful of portion sizes. Super-sized servings and second (and third) helpings are the primary reason why people gain weight over time.
• Plan to eat at least one meal together each day. Most experts agree that family dinners are important for promoting good communication and healthy eating habits. Given that our days are busy with work, school and other activities, eating dinner together every night is unrealistic for many families.
So, start with planning at least one family dinner at home each week. This is also a good opportunity to teach children about food and cooking, so it is even better if you prepare the meal together.
• Make getting enough sleep a priority. Many American adults and children don’t get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can affect children’s growth, development and learning. It can also have an impact on an adult’s productivity at work.
The effect of chronic stress on health is well known, and we should recognize a lack of sleep as a form of stress. A good goal for adults is 7-9 hours of sleep each night. School-aged children need 8-12 hours, with younger kids requiring more sleep.
As difficult as it may be, earlier bedtimes can benefit everyone in the family. Limiting screen time (TV, computer, tablet) before bed can help improve sleep, too.
Obviously, these ideas are easier read than done, especially for busy families. But moving more, eating better and getting more sleep – especially if it is done together – can help your family enjoy a happier and healthier year.

The Top 10 Fitness Trends For 2017

The biggest fitness trends of 2017

A new year symbolizes a fresh start—and the perfect chance to reboot your stale workouts with one of 2017's top fitness trends.

Wearable technology

Fitness trackers and smartwatches have been hot holiday gifts for the last few years, and the ACSM says that trend won't be going anywhere in 2017—and in fact, it will only get bigger. Recent updates from brands like Garmin, Apple, and Fitbit have sent the trend to number one for the upcoming year. Thompson was surprised wearable tech remained at the top of the list this year. “In past years, there were questions about the accuracy of this technology,” he says. “But I think brands have upped their games and the especially accurate wearables have kept this trend around.”
Today’s wearables track distance, and also provide heart rate readings, GPS route tracking, move reminders, and so much more.
Want to hop on the wearable bandwagon? Read our fitness editor’s review of 2016’s best gadgets to find the right one for your needs.

body-weight-training-pushupsBody weight training

It's easy to see why no-equipment workouts are so popular: They're relatively easy to learn, they can be modified to suit any ability level, and they can be done just about anywhere. Plus, body weight exercises are an efficient way to get fit for free. (That’s probably why the method has been ranked in the survey since 2013.) Pushups and pull-ups are classic bodyweight moves, but there are plenty more to choose from, like squats, lunges, and planks, just to name a few.

high-intensity-interval-training-hiit HIIT

HIIT's helps you torch calories fast by alternating quick bursts of high-intensity exercise with short rest periods. It can be found in all types of workouts, from Pilates (Blogilates founder Cassey Ho incorporates the method into her YouTube workouts) to CrossFit and boot camp classes. “High profile fitness companies are huge proponents of this form of exercise,” says Thompson. “If they continue to advertise and support HIIT, I don’t see it leaving the trend list anytime soon.”
To try a high-intensity interval training workout yourself, spend 20 to 30 minutes total combining repeated shorts bursts of work with short break periods, like 45 seconds of burpees with 15 seconds of rest followed by 45 seconds of squats. A guided option, like this 20-minute HIIT workout video can burn around 190 calories per session and will keep your metabolism fired up long after you finish the routine.

educated-certified-fitness-professionals-trainer Educated, certified, and experienced fitness professionals

The number of people who want to become personal trainers keeps growing, and they have more options than ever to earn accreditation. “Overall, people who work in the fitness industry are much more accountable and professional than previously,” says Thompson. He attributes this trend to clients becoming smarter about who they seek out for fitness-related help.
Not only is there continued growth in college and university programs, but there are more than 250 third-party certification organizations committed to teaching personal trainers best practices. As for the future of personal trainers and fitness professionals, the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts these occupations to only increase in popularity, with employment of fitness professionals to rise 8% between 2014 and 2024.

strength-training-weight-liftingStrength training

Gone are the days when the biggest fitness buffs out there stuck to cardio. Today, they know they can't miss strength training's science-backed benefits, such as boosting longevity, building muscle mass, and protecting against diabetes, back pain, and more. Plus, a growing number of women, in particular, have come to realize that lifting weights won't necessarily make them bulky, and in fact will help them burn more fat and boost metabolism.

group-training-fitnessGroup training

SoulCycle, PureBarre, Orangetheory, CrossFit—they're all forms of group training, a huge fitness trend that will continue to thrive in 2017. The current group training movement kicked off in 2008 in conjunction with the beginning of the Great Recession, when the expense of personal training became a luxury many Americans could no longer afford, says Thompson. With many people using services like ClassPass to replace a gym membership entirely, we don't see the group training trend dying down any time soon.

exercise-is-medicine-swimmingExercise Is Medicine

Regular exercise lowers your risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, dementia, and other chronic diseases, and serves as a powerful stress-reducer and mood-booster. That's why the ACSM and the American Medical Association co-launched Exercise Is Medicine, a global movement that encourages physicians to refer patients to fitness professionals in their communities, and likewise, encourages fitness professionals to make connections with physicians. With health care costs on the rise, and with the future of the U.S. health insurance industry uncertain, using exercise as a preventive health tool is perhaps more important than ever. 


Your zenned-out yogi friend is onto something: this ancient mind-body practice can be practiced on the go and can boost your mood, improve your sex life, and strengthen your entire body. Yoga has been around for thousands of years and has been a modern fitness trend for at least a decade, so how does it continue to be so popular? ACSM notes that while traditional Ashtanga, Hatha, and Vinyasa classes are readily available, fitness pros are also constantly finding new ways to reinvent yoga—think aerial yoga, hot yoga, and rope wall yoga.

personal-training-fitness-trends Personal training

Personal training is a perennial trend (it's been on the ACSM's annual list since it launched in 2006) and not much has changed about it over the years—these professionals generally provide one-on-one sessions that provide a more immersive and personalized experience for fitness seekers. But one important shift is happening in the industry: More education. A growing number of fitness professionals are seeking out formal education in kinesiology and exercise science, and credentialing is becoming more important to the facilities that employ them.  Quality of trainers has increased along with the sheer number of trainers available, says Thompson, because certifications and qualifications weed out the trainers who aren't top-notch in such a saturated market. (If you're not 100% happy with your own personal trainer, check out these signs it's time to break up.)

exercise-weight-loss-studioExercise and weight loss

Achieving a healthy weight will never go out of style, and a healthy diet combined with regular exercise is the best way to reach your weight loss goal. In fact, using fitness as a way to shed fat has appeared on the ACSM's annual list since the survey’s inaugural year in 2006. “Most of the well-publicized diet plans integrate exercise in addition to the daily routine of providing prepared meals to their clients,” says the survey.